(806) 418-6886

Discover a Non-Invasive Solution for Feminine Health

Contact our Amarillo or Farwell, Texas office to learn more about Votiva

Are you in search of a fast, gentle, and effective solution for your feminine health concern? Talk with our doctor about how Votiva can help you. Women of every age can benefit from treatment with Votiva. Votiva is a technology by InMode that provides solutions for many feminine vaginal health concerns.

Symptoms of urinary incontinence, loss of vaginal tone, vaginal dryness, and pain with intercourse are all common concerns that can be addressed with Votiva. After childbirth many women experience a change in vaginal tone which can lead to stress incontinence and decreased sensation during intercourse. Vaginal childbirth can also cause an enlarged vaginal opening and alteration in the shape and size of the labia. Similarly, with menopause there are changes that may occur in the vaginal tissue; vaginal dryness is a primary concern for many peri-menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Votiva is extremely versatile in treating a variety of conditions and is valuable for women in every stage of life. Lacey Meeks will meet with you prior to treatment to review your medical history, discuss your specific concerns, and create a personalized treatment plan for you.

Is Votiva right for me?

Votiva is a great choice for women who want to:

•Tighten the vaginal canal
•Enhance vaginal tone, strength, and control
•Increase sensation during intercourse
•Reduce stress urinary incontinence
•Reduce vaginal dryness
•Reduce pain caused by labial hypertrophy
•Improve appearance of labia and vulvovaginal area
•Zero downtime